Thursday, May 16, 2013

My hope

So many beautiful people and things I'm going to have to say good bye to, and have already. There is a lot about Vermont I'm going to miss. For example: how quiet it is, how few people actually live here; how people don't always suck and are actually interested in doing good for each other and living as part of a greater community; the hills that change colors like a kaleidoscopic; cows, strolling rivers, and the stars on a clear night. It has been an incredible place to come study and call home for a while, and I am so very grateful for it.
It's the people, though, that I'll miss the most, and being surrounded by so much sincerity and willingness to learn to be better than yesterday for the sake of tomorrow. They listen, not for a break in conversation so they can tell their story, but so they can really understand you. People realize that time here is short and go out of their way to be supportive when you're having a bad day, even when theirs may be worse. I'm far from seeing and doing all that there is to do and see. But, if I may, there are a few things I've picked up on in all my leaving's and starting over's, and that is that when you see something great, you don't let it pass without recognition. Granted we are all departing very soon, and I realize time is limited, but I've tried to spend these last moments telling/showing those who have made me feel special that they have done so. For what its worth, in my travels, I have come to embrace the practice of gratitude. Its really the only parting gift I have to offer in many ways and it's a gift that keeps giving.
I'm not going to pretend that I'll see everyone again, I won't. I may see some around the internet and in six months, I'll have a complete come apart as I flip through pictures of their faces and all the wonderful things they are doing in this world. But that's the thing! That's what makes this experience so great, and these people so wonderful. We are all connected through this institution, this campus, and our learning's from one another, always. I honestly look forward to the day we get to cross paths in our future adventures. I realize there is a range of sentiments. Not everyone is leaving on a high and some bad blood has been born out of some not so great experiences. But, I will venture to say that these are not altogether void of a lesson learned, although maybe not immediately apparent.
I have seen great humanity and despite hurt and offense, I am better for it. I will miss these hills, canoeing, hiking, soccer, beer on front porches and some of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of getting to know. To have this experience once is a blessing and in moments of doubt about the human race, I hope to always remember the people I've met to bring me back from the edge. Thank you all for being the reason I came here and the hope I'll carry with me moving forward.