Monday, December 9, 2013

well there is always february

Faith. I never thought so much of my life was ever going to be based around such an intangible concept. But here I am, 2 months into my site, a couple surveys distributed, a handful of cafecitos attended and a few preliminary ideas about the dynamics how things work around here jotted down on some paper. I try and stay positive, mostly because it physically pains me if I say too many negative things to myself in one day. I realize everything is a process, and this process is what all my faith and “get up and go” is betting on at this point. I mean, if so many people before me went through this same agonizing integration process, I’ve got to make it to the other side right? They keep saying it’ll all make sense one day and that I just need to keep putting myself out there. People here and volunteers encourage me by saying my Spanish will be perfect before next year even! None of these things feel like they are going to happen anytime soon, but this is where faith comes in. I believe these past truths may one day become my past truths. My story won’t look like their story because I will have made it my own along the way. But it helps to know that before me, people were struggling through the ambiguity of “what the hell am I doing here” and making it to the other side of clarity and purpose. February brings the new school year, maybe new ideas and a revived motivation. Maybe I’ll actually be able to hold a conversation with someone in Spanish that’s more than describing how flat Florida is or what Peace Corps is. As much as it feels like life is running at the speed of molasses right now, I’m hopeful. The light at the end of the tunnel is the hope that all this faith in the process will have manifested into reciprocated faith in me to do what I set out to do; start with the people, facilitate positive social change, make it last. It’s a lot to ask but what can I say, it has always been a go big or go home kind of ride.


  1. You've got this, Marlee!! :D I think what you said about it being a process is super crucial, and that's something that took me a while to understand too. I think that's what development is really all about... but it's easy to get caught up in the outcome (just rush through and push for something to happen without nurturing individuals along the way). Every time I start to plow ahead, I realize, it's not about my personal growth, it's about the growth and learning experience of all those I'm working with... I'm not sure this is where you're going with this... but I hope it helps! hehe. Catch you on the other side :D

  2. I completely agree with Pam. You can do it!! If I learned anything in Peace Corps, it's that there are gonna be good days and bad days. It's a 27 month roller coaster ride. You celebrate the good days and on the bad days, well, you plan a trip for your next holiday. Just remember though, you've got so many people who love you and support you! Cuz we SITers gotta stick together!

  3. Darling Marlee -

    My response was way too long -a short novel LOL - and so I pasted it in a FB message to you.

    Hang in there love! I miss ya!

    <3 Kel

  4. You've got quite a support team that cares for you (just in these comments alone)! :)

    One of the best things I heard in preparation for my world changing ambitions in my first year was to really spend your first year getting to know your community and not everything think about trying to get anything done. That's what the second year is for.

    Of course when I heard that I thought it was lazy bullshit.

    But it's not. Haha

    It's smart. And humble. And patient.

    PST. 3 months in kindergarten for adults.
    1st Year. Get to know your community.
    2nd Year. Ask them how you can be helpful and what fun things you can do together.
    3rd Year. Optional if you're crazy.
    4th Year. Who the hell do you think you are?

    Lifetime. Once a Volunteer, Always a Volunteer.

    Keeping being awesome Marlee. It comes naturally to you. :)
